7 Tips To Prepare for the New Year

June 6, 2023


Before you start to look ahead to the New Year, thank yourself for completing another year. You did that! Be proud of each step you took forward, each day that you got up and went on about your business. As an adult, everything can feel challenging, especially in today’s society. BUT you are here today and you have an opportunity to continue your journey to fulfillment. I personally believe that is available to you.

Maya Angelou once said, "When you know better, you do better." As we prepare for the New Year, reflect on what you’ve learned over the past year. The space between now and the New Year is the best time to look back on the past year and draw perspective on how everything went regarding accomplishing your goals. Who are you now and what about yourself do you want to continue to grow and develop? Be curious with yourself and the opportunities that are available to you in the new year.

Consider your experiences throughout the year. Take what worked for you and leave behind what doesn't. As you go through this process, take a moment express gratitude for the tough lessons you've learned. Even the smallest moments of perseverance deserve celebration and appreciation. The year 2023 may not have been easy, but you've made it through. You now have an opportunity to become wiser in spite of any hardships.

Here are some tips to help you prepare for the New Year:

  1. Review the past year. Take some time to think about your 2023 goals and accomplishments. Ask yourself what you are proud of and what you would like to improve upon. Reflect on who you are now and who you aspire to be in the future.
  2. Identify limiting beliefs. Consider what blocked you from reaching some of your goals in 2023. Dig deep and list what limiting beliefs may be holding you back. Journal with compassion about it or seek guidance from a professional if necessary.
  3. Learn from your experiences. Observe the lessons you've learned over the past year and the wisdom you now have for the future. Remember to express appreciation for the lessons you've learned, no matter how difficult they may have been.
  4. Decide what you want next for yourself. Listen to your intuition and meditate on what is next for you. Take 5-7 deep breaths through your nose and meditate for at least five minutes to connect with your body and ask yourself what you truly want.
  5. Visualize your goals for the New Year. Imagine yourself achieving your goals in six months to a year. Write down what you see and consider how it all aligns with your values and overall purpose in life.
  6. Examine what needs to change in your habits or routine in order for you to reach each out of your goals. Consider what healthy habits you've established and what habits you would like to leave behind. Ask yourself “Who do I need to be and what I need to do” to reach your own definition of success in 2024.
  7. Remember that you are the leader of your life. Your intuition is constantly speaking you to, looking to guide you towards your purpose. Be proud of yourself for making it through another year and find joy in what the future holds.

Bonus Tip: Grab your favorite notebook or electronic device and write/create a timeline and action plan for each goal. Please note that goals don’t need an expiration date. Hold on them, year after year until you reach them or decide the goal no longer serves you.

If you’d like support and partnership as you dream up your vision for 2024, book a New Year Foundation Session with me. During this hour and a half, we’ll collaborate to create an action plan for you to feel confident and empower to attack all your goals.

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